migration은 문서 보면서:

Spring Boot 3.2

Spring Framework 6.1에 있는 RestClient를 Spring Boot 3.2에서 지원함:

Virtual Thread

Virtual Thread 지원, Java 21 이상:

Project Loom이 드디어!

Java 21이 2023년 9월에 LTS가 되었구나


Project Loom이랑 GraalVM 같이 쓰면 엄청 좋나보네

Virtual Thread 관련 읽기

Most languages that have adopted syntactic coroutines have done so due to an inability to implement user-mode threads (e.g., Kotlin), legacy semantic guarantees (e.g., the inherently single-threaded JavaScript), or language-specific technical constraints (e.g., C++). These limitations do not apply to Java.



JWT는 JwtDecoder나 ReactiveJwtDecoder 쓰면 되는구나

Spring Boot 3.1

testcontainers 지원, 개발할 때 사용하기 편해진다

oauth2 authorization server 생겼었구나

Spring Data Scroll API?

Scrolling supports two flavors:

keyset-based scrolling 사용하면 배치에서 유용할지도?

@Query로 커스텀 쿼리 작성한 메서드에 Sort 객체로 순서를 정할 수 있다. Pageable 객체도 return할 수 있음

Spring Boot 3.0

Spring Data 2022.0

  • GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer, Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer
    • redis에 serialize/deserialize할 때 이거 썼으면 됐었구나’s-New-in-Spring-Framework-6.x


  • Reactive @Scheduled methods (including Kotlin coroutines); see 22924.
    • 오.. 이거 비동기로 도는건 유용하겠다
  • Spring MVC and WebFlux now have built-in method validation support for controller method parameters with @Constraint annotations. That means you no longer need @Validated at the controller class level to enable method validation via AOP proxy. Built-in method validation is layered on top of the existing argument validation for model attribute and request body arguments. The two are more tightly integrated and coordinated, e.g. avoiding cases with double validation. See Upgrading to 6.1 for migration details, and umbrella issue 30645 for all related tasks and feedback.
    • 더 이상 @Validated 안 붙여도 되나!
  • New RestClient, a synchronous HTTP client that offers an API similar to WebClient, but sharing infrastructure with the RestTemplate. See 29552.
    • RestClient라는게 새로 생겼네
  • Support for recording asynchronous events with @RecordApplicationEvents. See 30020.
    • Record events from threads other than the main test thread.
    • Assert events from a separate thread – for example with Awaitility.
    • 비동기 코드 테스트할 때 유용하겠다


  • GraalVM으로 native binary 생성하는거 신기하네.. 쓸 수 있나? 성능 좋나?
    • serverless 코드 작성할 때 이걸로 하면 좋겠네
  • 하이버네이트 6.1 지원
  • PathPatternParser used by default (with the ability to opt into PathMatcher).
    • PathMatcher 대신에 PathPatternParser 써야겠네
  • 지표 추적해야 할 때 Micrometer 적극 활용하자